Hilton Goode is an American Filmmaker, Editor and on set Sound Mixer based in New York City. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts in Film and Video Production from the CUNY City College of New York. Hilton's journey into filmmaking was sparked by Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. This interest was further ignited in 2009 during Blockbuster's closing sale, where he acquired the trilogy's special edition DVD box set. While he loved the films, it was the behind-the-scenes content that truly captivated him, leading to his realization that his future lay in film-making.

Hilton is driven by a mission to craft inspiring films that resonate deeply with audiences worldwide. His focus lies in creating compelling stories through the visual medium, with an emphasis on character-driven narratives. With his meticulous attention to detail and a knack for weaving engaging stories, Hilton aims to leave a profound mark in the world of cinema.